Sunday, December 28, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Yeah, we're stylish

Sunday, December 14, 2008
8 months and nursery

Concert and quick updates

We were fortunate enough to attend the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas concert Friday night thanks to my sister-in-law's parents giving us tickets. My family has been going ever since I can remember and it is one of my favorite traditions. The performance was great and walking around temple square always puts me in the Christmas spirit. It helps me forget about the hustle and bustle of Christmas and focus on Christ. We had a great weekend and got to spend time with family from both sides.

As far as other updates, Sean is in the middle of finals right now. He's taken one, has one tomorrow and finishes his last one Friday. Needless to say, he's spending most of his time studying. He's also in a basketball league with some friends at the Flash Factory in Lehi and so far they are undefeated! This week starts the tournament so good luck to team Lew-dogg!
Friday was my last day of work. My co-workers were really nice and took me out to PF Chang's for lunch. When we came back from lunch I found a giant box by my desk-- they bought me a glider! Very cool. I was really lucky to work with some awesome people and working for such a large and successful company gave me a lot of opportunities. I learned leaps and bounds about the world of pr. I am excited to be moving on, though it is somewhat bittersweet. I am looking forward to the joys and challenges in my new job as mom.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Extra! Extra!

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Holiday treats

We had our ward Christmas party last night and I signed up to bring a dessert. I saw this idea of topping cupcakes with chocolate snowflakes in one of my mother-in-law's magazines. They were so simple to make and I thought they turned out really cute! I just used a boxed spice cake mix and topped the cupcakes with buttercream frosting (with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon added). To make the snowflakes (I also made some trees) I bought white chocolate wafers (you can buy them at Roberts or Michaels in the cake decorating section), melted them down in the microwave and piped them onto waxed paper. If you don't have piping bags I'm sure a Ziploc bag would work! Anyway, I thought it was a fun idea.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
'Tis the season

We obviously are missing a stocking for me and our soon to be son, which is why my goal is to make some. We'll see if it actually happens!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
7months and 2 showers

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Happy Birthday Sean!

Sean turns 27 today! For some reason, the date is wrong on this post-- should say Nov. 19th. We're not really celebrating until this weekend since Sean is busy today with school, church meetings and a basketball game, but happy birthday regardless! I did tell him I will make him whatever dinner he wants, so we'll see what he comes up with. I'm crossing my fingers that his b-day presents arrive today. This weekend we'll head out to dinner to celebrate and probably catch the new James Bond.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A happy weekend

Had a great weekend in Idaho Falls complete with an awesome baby shower for me (a post dedicated to this is coming) and the opportunity to see my little brother Thomas and his wife Megan sealed in the Rexburg temple.

Thomas and Megan were sealed Saturday afternoon. We are so happy for them and can't believe it has already been a year since Megan was baptized. Congratulations both of you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sand dune action

Ready to ride-- I love how macho he looks in all of his gear!

While the boys were off riding we climbed to the top of one of the dunes. The view was really cool and I'm just happy I made it to the top without collapsing!
Here's a little video of Sean playing around a few minutes before we loaded up and headed home:
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween '08

A redneck and a cowgirl (with child) were the costumes of choice this year. Sean's ensemble consisted of torn jeans, a NASCAR shirt, fishing vest and mullet wig (which he found more joy in wearing than I think is probably normal). I had to dress western for work so I wore cowboy boots, a brown skirt, Sean's XL flannel shirt (basically since I didn't have a shirt that would work that still fits), a leather fringed vest, bandana and hat (hanging on my back).
So Omniture pretty much goes crazy for Halloween. I had been warned by all of my co-workers, but I still didn't know what to expect. Here's how it works-- each department comes up with a theme and is given a budget to decorate their area around that theme. We're talking over-the-top decorating-- WAY over. Departments compete against one another for prizes and in the afternoon, friends and family of employees come trick-or-treating.
The marketing department came up with "Wild West" and I volunteered to be the Phyllis (or Angela) from pr-- as in I was a member of the party-planning committee. I am still amazed at the transformation of our area. One conference room was turned into a saloon-- complete with a player piano and a bar serving homemade rootbeer. We also had a campfire scene, a gold mine, a jail and gallows and a shooting range (which was really flat screen t.v.'s, Wii's and a shooting game). PR was in charge of the jail and gallows, and I have to say I think we did a pretty fine job. We even covered the entire department floor in straw! We made Channel 2 news at noon-- click here to see the video (the video is on the right and is called Halloween Bash 2). You can see me at the end of the clip when we all yell "yee-haw"-- I'm sitting on the straw bale on the right.
Other departments did an awesome job also. There was a Candyland, Wizard of Oz, cnchanted forrest, mini golf course (that Sean and I both think was better than any mini golf course in Utah we've been to), Gotham City, BYU vs Utah (where they actually built a football field out of real sod) and a bunch of others. It was so fun dressing up and really getting into the spirit of things.
Towards the end of the party I thought I might die of exhaustion. There were literally a thousand or more kids and parents who came trick-or-treating. I borrowed some cowboy boots from my sister-in-law for my costume, and while they were awesome, I thought my feet might need to be amputated at the end of the day. I came home from work and collapsed in our recliner and would have been more than ok with putting on my pajamas and going to bed at 5:30 pm. Don't worry, I wasn't that big of a loser. Sean had to help the young men at our ward's trunk-or-treat so I put on my slippers and hobbled over to join the party. Truth be told, I have never loved the trunk-or-treat idea, but I was sort of grateful for it this year. I don't think I could have walked to my door over and over again to pass out candy!
Hope everyone else had a happy Halloween. Now it's on to turkey day!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This year's masterpieces

Glamor shot:
Nov. 4
I was in a waiting room last week watching CNN. Of course they were talking about the election. The lady sitting next to me turned to the lady sitting next to her and said something to the effect that she was sure McCain would win. The lady she was speaking to said something along the lines that she was still an undecided voter and that she liked McCain but had a lot of reservations about Sarah Palin. So then the lady who said she was sure McCain would win said, "Who is Sarah Palin?"
I'm not kidding.
For real? Um, where have you been hiding out the last few months? And how can you sit there and expect anyone to give you any credibility after saying that? Baffling.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
6 months

Well, I'm starting the last leg—hello third trimester! As you can see, my tummy has definitely grown this past month. Oh, and in case you've noticed, I am wearing the same outfit each time I take one of these pictures. This is on purpose! According to my pregnancy book, I'm supposed to be gaining about a pound a week now—yikes! I've noticed in the last two weeks or so people are starting to feel comfortable enough to ask me when I am due. Most of the curious stares of "Is she pregnant?" are gone. I'm actually really happy about this because it means I look pregnant, not just fat. When I weighed myself the other day I had gained 18 pounds. It's amazing how different 18 pounds can make you feel. I already feel like I waddle when I walk (something I am consciously working very hard to correct)! A new friend named heartburn also decided to show up a couple of weeks ago. I've never had it before, so I'm a wuss about it. I really can't complain though—I know I have been pretty lucky thus far since I generally feel like life is moving on as normal.
In more "baby news," I scored an awesome crib a few weeks ago. There is a warehouse in Orem that makes baby furniture and sells it to high-end retailers. Their cribs are usually around $600-$700 in stores, but they are going out of business and decided to open doors to the public to get rid of the inventory. I happened to run across an ad and decided to go check it out. I really wasn't expecting much, but I am so glad I went because I picked up this baby:
It's SOLID wood and the sturdiest crib I've found so far. It's a really pretty cherry stain and just seems like it's high quality. The best part? I bought it for $200. That is cheaper than the cheapest one I could find at Target (after shipping). I like this crib much better than anything else I have seen—including Pottery Barn Kids. If you are looking for a crib, e-mail me and I'll give you directions to this place!
As you can also see in the picture, we painted the nursery. It's a really light, pretty blue (think robin's egg). Being amateur painters, I was kind of nervous about how it would turn out, but I have to say I think we did a pretty darn good job! No major accidents or spills. Thank goodness for Sean's steady hand—he free handed the ceiling line. I tried fit or about 20 seconds and we both decided it would be best if we left that task to Sean. :)
And for one final baby-related story: Sean had his head on my tummy this morning trying to see if he could hear the baby's heartbeat. I hadn't noticed the baby kicking much, but as soon as Sean put his head on my stomach, he kicked him hard in the face! We both burst out laughing and I just told him it looks like he's going to be a mamma's boy! ;)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Moonlight Ride

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Pumpkin Cream Cheese Muffins
For the muffins:
3 cups flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. ground cloves
1 tbsp. and 1 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
4 eggs
1 ¼ cups vegetable oil
2 cups sugar
2 cups pumpkin puree
For the filling:
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
For the streusel topping:
½ cup sugar
¼ cup and 1 tsp. flour
4 tbsp. butter, cubed
1 ½ tsp. cinnamon
To prepare the filling, combine the cream cheese and powdered sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer and whip until smooth. Form into a log on plastic wrap or foil, making sure that the diameter is small enough to fit into the well of a muffin pan. Wrap the log up tightly and freeze until slightly hardened, 1-2 hours.
To make the muffins, combine the flour, spices, salt and baking soda in a medium bowl. Mix well and set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the eggs, vegetable oil, sugar and pumpkin puree. Mix until well combined. Add in the dry ingredients and mix on low speed until just combined.
To make the streusel topping, combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Mix together with a pastry blender or two forks until crumbly.
Preheat the oven to 350°. Line two muffin pans with paper liners. To assemble the muffins, fill each muffin well halfway with batter. Remove the cream cheese log from the freezer and slice into 24 equal slices. Place a slice in each muffin well. Divide the remaining muffin batter evenly among the muffin cups, on top of the cream cheese. Sprinkle the streusel topping over the top of the batter. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Let cool completely before serving.
C-Cake or Pie: both, but if I have to choose one, cake (preferably chocolate cake with chocolate frosting!)
D-Day: Saturday—no work and always something fun going on
E- Essential Item: lip gloss
F- Favorite Color: pink, light blue, bright green
G-Gummi Bears or Worms: Both! I'm a big fan of gummi anything
H-Home town: Idaho Falls
I- Indulgences: Cadbury Mini Eggs at Easter, Oreos
J- January or July?: January-- our family will have a new addition!
K-Kids: One on the way!
L-Life is incomplete without: family, laughter, church, good friends
M- Marriage Date: April 24, 2004
N- Number of Siblings: Three. An older sister and brother and a younger brother
O- Oranges or Apples: Both. I hate Red Delicious apples though. The skin is bitter and they are always mushy.
P- Phobias or Fears: Something happening to Sean
Q- Quote: Love to one, friendship to many, goodwill to all.
R- Reason To Smile: Got to hang out with some of my nieces last night
S- Season: Fall
T- Tag: Taryn, Beth, Courtney E., Cecily, Gina
U- Unknown fact about me: When I was little my life's ambition was to be an ice cream scooper at Baskin Robbins
V- Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animal: I love meat and I am not ashamed!
W- Worst Habit: Sean says it's leaving egg shells in the egg carton
X-Rays or Ultrasounds: Ultrasounds. Never had an X-ray!
Y-Your favorite food: I love a good steak, pasta, etc.
Z: Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Alpine Loop
We painted the nursery this weekend and needing to get a break from the fumes, Sean and I decided to drive the Alpine Loop while listening to conference. My sister told me traditionally the fall colors are at their peak during conference weekend, so we thought we'd see what the canyon had to offer. Luckily we took the camera, because it was a GORGEOUS drive.

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Weekly Funny - Taco Town!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
It's alive!
Before we left for Philadelphia, our Mazda started making a really crazy noise when you went faster than about 15 mph. It was embarrassingly loud and lucky me got to drive it to work for the two weeks I was still in Utah and Sean was in Pennsylvania. I took it to a mechanic to see if he could diagnose the problem. Well, that nice man told us he was "certain" it was a bearing on the clutch that needed to be replaced. I stuck it out with the noisy car and decided Sean could deal with it (since it is his other true love) when we got home. Thinking we're being proactive, Sean orders a new clutch and it arrives on our doorstep the day after we get back to Utah. We had the clutch replaced. The noise didn't go away… in fact it was worse.
We took the car to another mechanic for another opinion. This one says he's "sure" it's the transmission and proceeds to tell us for a mere $1200 he will replace it. Um, no thanks. Instead, we made a memorable trip to a pick-and-pull yard out in the boonies west of Salt Lake and picked up a used transmission for $250. Note: I thought it might be a fun little adventure to go to the pick-and-pull yard—WRONG. We stood in a greasy "reception area" for 45 minutes and listened to employees tell dirty jokes in Spanish. I told Sean I would rather saw off my own arm then go back.
So we got the transmission replaced with the used one we bought. We're all stoked to go pick it up and have two cars again. Yeah, would have been cool if the transmission was the actual problem! The mechanic scratched his head and says, "It's a mystery. We just don't know what's wrong." Thanks buddy—really helpful information. Probably good we didn't PAY YOU THE $1200 FOR A NEW TRANSMISSION THEN!
At this point I was ready to blow up the stupid car and tried to convince Sean to buy himself a truck. I knew getting rid of it would be hard for Sean since this car has been his little project (turbo, suspension, exhaust, etc.), but I didn't want to keep paying for people's guesses of what might be wrong. Miraculously, Sean found a guy in Ogden (we'll call him the 'blessed one') who had a lot of knowledge and experience with Miatas. After driving the car for about five seconds he told Sean the problem was the differential (don't ask me what it is because I don't know). He offered to sell us one at a much lower price than anything we could find online, and knowing my hesitation about paying for more car parts we don't really need, he even said he'd buy the part back if it didn't fix the problem. When we picked it up, he taught Sean how to replace it himself and told him to call with any questions or problems. Now THAT is an awesome mechanic!
So like I said, we've been down in the garage for the past few weeks. I set up a beach chair and read a book (I told him he can't be under the car by himself for obvious reasons) and Sean wrenched away. Luckily, with the help of some friends (Sam, Rob) and my brother, the car is finally put back together… and… and... wait for it... the NOISE IS GONE! Can I get a Hallelujah people? The Miata lives on!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
5 months

I know it's kind of hard to tell what everything is, but you get the idea! The cards in the front are gift cards-- one for personalized onesies and one to go towards announcements. I actually got a basket of baby clothes and a blanket in the mail today that didn't make it into this picture (mostly because I was too lazy to take another one). I can't tell you how fun it has been receiving all of this stuff!
Our next goal? Get going on the nursery. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do sorted out in my head... we'll see if it actually turns out the way I am envisioning! I'll save those details for another post-- maybe after we've actually gotten started!