Sean is now officially a law student. So far he’s really been enjoying his classes and classmates. He keeps telling me how impressed he is with his professors and their accolades. He also loves the fact that he doesn’t have to shave every day and can buy caffeinated drinks on campus. He’s been riding an express bus which conveniently stops right by our townhouse and it’s a good thing because his precious Miata seems to be having issue after issue (at least our Honda was an easy and inexpensive fix). He loves that the bus has Wi-fi. I love that we don’t have to pay for the bus pass (gets it free from the law school) or gas. Here's a picture I took of him on his first day like he's off to Kindergarten and I am his proud mamma!

I jumped right back into work. I’m really happy to be back so I can physically go into work everyday. It was awesome to be able to work from home this summer, but it’s a nice change of scenery and fun seeing my co-workers again. Other than work I’ve been busy with VERY important tasks such as getting my hair cut and finding a patio set for our balcony. Life or death people. Everyone keeps asking me to post a picture of my baby belly, but I don’t really have a good bump yet. Right now I am in that stage where I just look like I’ve spent too much time with my good friends Ben & Jerry. I look forward to moving out of this stage hopefully very soon! My mom said she really popped around 5 months, so we'll see. Here's a picture we took a few days ago (I am about 19 1/2 weeks here):

We have an exciting week ahead of us—we find out whether a baby boy or girl is in our future at our doctor’s appointment on Thursday!
Um yeah, you pretty much little skinny still!!! You're looking really good. Sean's bus seems like a sweet deal. I keep telling Grant to take the bus, at least when it rains, but instead he bought a rain suit to wear on the scooter. Weirdo!
That's great that Sean is loving law school so far!! I can't wait to hear what the sex of the baby is! :)
I'm just oozing with excitement for you to find out boy or girl! I really popped with Cooper at 5 months too. I actually hid it from my students until that point. With this 2nd one though, it's like my body realized right away and thought, "Oh, this stomach needs to be bigger." I definitely already have the bump...much bigger than yours and I'm only 16 weeks :-D You look great though! If you happen to see my brother or brother-in-law, give em' a shout out from me! Can't wait to hang with you guys! I'll be checking your blog every minute for the big reveal!
You are so tiny! I'm so jealous!! With my first I didn't really "pop" until 5-6 months. But, I doubt I've been as tiny as you at any point in my life since I was 11. This time, I "popped" at like 8 weeks, at at 19 weeks, people were thinking I was due in the next couple weeks! LOL! Enjoy it!
Congratulations on being home, and settled again! (Last week here for us!)
I'm REALLY excited to find out if it'll be a he-Ricks or a she-Ricks! Fun! Good luck!
man your belly is nothing. You'd better pop at 5 months or I'm going to be so jealous! I feel huge now, I hate it and I still have 3 months to go. Crazy. Yeah for Sean!! Hope everything keeps going good. :)
Jenny, you make me sick. You're almost 5 months....and you don't even have the slightest bump!!!! That's not fair! You look great!! I'm totally jealous! I hope I can look as good as you when I'm pregnant!
You look so good! When I am 20 weeks I look like I do at 9 months. I am so excited to hear that you are having a BOY!!! I am waiting for the 100% for sure news though! Love you guys!
you look great! i don't pop till like 7 months so i might got to enjoy the ben-and-jerry's stage a bit longer! congrats again! brit :o)
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