Here's the latest picture of my tummy as requested (this is for you Taryn). We took this picture on Saturday when I was technically 5 months 1 week, but close enough I say! There is more of a bump forming now, which is very exciting. I'm still wearing regular clothes, but there have been a few things I've gone to put on and taken right off after seeing myself in the mirror! We're going to try to take a picture each month so I'll try to post them as we go.
I've been asked a lot if we have any names picked out yet. So far we both love the name Jackson-- it's the name we already had picked out for a boy more than two years ago (you know, back when we thought I'd be pregnant in a month or two-- hah!). We're not 100% set on it, but it is the front runner. If anyone has heard any good boy names or has any suggestions (one you won't kill me if I end up using) let me know. Let me just say now that I will veto any names that are unisex!
Remember how I won that virtual baby shower a few weeks ago? Since this post is baby themed, I thought I would post a picture of all of the stuff I have been sent so far:

I know it's kind of hard to tell what everything is, but you get the idea! The cards in the front are gift cards-- one for personalized onesies and one to go towards announcements. I actually got a basket of baby clothes and a blanket in the mail today that didn't make it into this picture (mostly because I was too lazy to take another one). I can't tell you how fun it has been receiving all of this stuff!
Our next goal? Get going on the nursery. I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do sorted out in my head... we'll see if it actually turns out the way I am envisioning! I'll save those details for another post-- maybe after we've actually gotten started!
Thank you :) You are looking SO good still. I guess the height is hiding him well! And...I am still very jealous of your virtual baby shower winnings (even though I don't have a baby). You have inspired me to enter to win things though (I have entered every Rachael Ray giveaway for the last 2 weeks, haha). Well you are looking amazing, wish I was there but you'll have to continue to update me via blogging photos!
I am so excited for you guys..you look so so cute! and congrats on winning that stuff, thats so cool!
You look amazing Jenny! So tiny! And I'm really jealous you can still fit into your clothes!
I love all the stuff! I can't wait to see it in person! Love you guys
I'm soo jealous of your tiny little bump...... I'm getting quite large already..... I'll get a pix up on Monday at 14 weeks I'm still quite paranoid from the scares in Philly... but I definitely wouldn't have been able to kept this pregnancy a secret but it would have been nice to wait a month or two longer........ Thanks again mother in law! haha!!! hope everything else is going great for you two!
Jenny you look so good and so cute! I still think it's awesome you won all that baby stuff! I also liked the name Jackson (two years ago, haha) and I still like it. Keep the pictures coming! :)
you look so cute!! And your winnings are sweet!! good job!
Jenny! You look great! Are you sure you're 5 months prego! You are so tiny! NOT FAIR! I have loved the name Jackson for at least 10 years....but my aunt named her boy Jackson. And in my family, it's a RULE we don't name our kids the same names as cousins, aunts, uncles, etc. So no Jackson babies for me. But you can totally name your boy Jackson!!!
You are still too small, not fair! I guess that's what you get being tall, there's more room in there for him to grow and not show! So jealous of all your cute new stuff. Just wait till you can't wear your reg clothes, It was depressing for me, but it's ok. Now I feel like I'm hiding a huge ball under my shirt. Luckly most people say I look small and can't believe I only have 2 months left. I can't believe it either, I'm freaking out! Anyways, glad to know you are doing good. :)
I'm so excited for you! That's awesome that you won all that stuff!
So, um.. looking at your picture, I've just developed the most extreme case of body envy!! I'm SO jealous!! But, you are just too cute, and there is a tiny bump there!
I really like the name Jackson. That was on my list of names I liked, but couldn't use, as we'd started the whole scripture theme, and I felt like I should remain consistant. (My baby advice name, don't do themed names. I always swore I wouldn't, and now look what I've done.. Grr.) My favorite boy name that I can't use (unless someone can find it in Leviticus or something) is Sawyer. I also liked Atticus from To Kill a Mockingbird, but it's a little different.
Whatever you pick will be the perfect name for your little guy. I'm so excited for you!
How do you spell luck? J.E.N.N.Y!
What a score baby! I'm sure you are excited to get out of what Robert calls the "cheeseburger" stage of pregnancy! Sheesh...all of the sudden you will wake up one day and look pregnant. It is a good day!
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