Glamor shot:
Glamor shot:
It's SOLID wood and the sturdiest crib I've found so far. It's a really pretty cherry stain and just seems like it's high quality. The best part? I bought it for $200. That is cheaper than the cheapest one I could find at Target (after shipping). I like this crib much better than anything else I have seen—including Pottery Barn Kids. If you are looking for a crib, e-mail me and I'll give you directions to this place!
As you can also see in the picture, we painted the nursery. It's a really light, pretty blue (think robin's egg). Being amateur painters, I was kind of nervous about how it would turn out, but I have to say I think we did a pretty darn good job! No major accidents or spills. Thank goodness for Sean's steady hand—he free handed the ceiling line. I tried fit or about 20 seconds and we both decided it would be best if we left that task to Sean. :)
And for one final baby-related story: Sean had his head on my tummy this morning trying to see if he could hear the baby's heartbeat. I hadn't noticed the baby kicking much, but as soon as Sean put his head on my stomach, he kicked him hard in the face! We both burst out laughing and I just told him it looks like he's going to be a mamma's boy! ;)