The other day I was changing Jackson and it turned into a fiasco! He's peed on me a few times while changing him, but I'm usually quick to grab the diaper before it gets too out of hand. Well, this time things got HORRIBLY out of hand! I'm grabbing the diaper out of the top drawer of his changing dresser and when I look up, my little man is peeing up a storm, straight into the air (I must say, the height was impressive). When I hurried to try and difuse the bomb, the spray turned toward the window and started soaking the blinds. At this point I am laughing because it really was funny. I start grabbing some wipes when I hear Jackson grunt... I am still trying to wrap my head around what happened next. I don't know how the dude did it, but he shot what I will term a "poop bomb" an impossible distance! There was poop from the top of the closet door to the bottom of the door and carpet. Here is a picture to illustrate just how far of a distance this is:

That is hilarious! Love the Ron Burgundy comment too.
Pretty funny! I've had a few experiences but nothing that bad! Colby once pooped on my hand as I was wiping him. That was pretty gross. Several times I've gotten peed on, usually in the middle of the night. Oh and Colby loves to pee in the bath tub, and pooped once as well. But seriously yours tops the cake!!
That is the best! Isaac soaked Jeremy's suit at church one. It got all over him, his suit coat, the floor etc. I love baby poop stories more for the fact that it always happened when Jeremy was changing him! All we have to say is "Way to go Jackson, thumbs up Dude!".
Oh no!! I can't believe that happened to you! It is funny reading about it though!!
That is hilarious!! I have a few stories similar as well....Audrey (our oldest) pulled the "poop bomb" on us, and it scared me so bad, I actually jumped back when it happened. I don't know how someone so little can get such distance!
Oh my hell! I'm laughing so hard! Probably pretty gross to clean up, so so freaking hilarious!
Very Funny! I died laughing! I love that commercial too. I hope you were able to get the mess all cleaned up.
This is sort of random, but I couldn't find an email address for you...I found your blog after googling for a warehouse in orem that sells designer cribs. You had mentioned this place in your post back in October, and said we could email you and you would give us directions. Hopefully they are still in business! I would greatly appreciate if you could please email me the directions. My email is: and my name is Amy. Thanks!
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Poop Bomb! So funny! Hey, come to think of better invite us to his blessing! Have you already done it? In Idaho? hammm (I don't know why your poop made me think of that?!)
Hahahaha that is histerycal! I had a similar experience but no poop bombs thankfully! That commercial rocks!
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