The weather has finally taken a turn for the better! Our neighborhood offers garden plots in the community and since we are going to actually be around this summer we are taking the plunge and trying our hand at gardening! I am SO EXCITED. I have seriously wanted to do this every summer but haven't been able to. Our plot is pretty decent size-- 8x15 or so I think. Mostly I am dying for tomatoes, but we are going to try out a whole bunch of things: beans, peppers, jalepeno peppers, carrots, squash, etc. So far all we've done is worked in a few bags of compost, but this week we are going to mix in fertilizer (thank you Jessica!), make rows and plant our carrots. Wanna know what the best part is? It's hooked up to an automatic watering drip system! Booyah!

I put Jackson in his tractor tee that says "Ricks" on it so he could feel like he was contributing. Mostly though he just spent his time sleeping and chillin' in the sunshine (don't worry I put SPF 50 on him-- if he has my skin I will feel really sorry for the kid!)

If anyone has any suggestions on what to grow in our garden or what grows well in Utah soil, let me know! If it works out I am willing to share our goods! ;)
Isn't it so exciting to grow something? We just planted ours the other day and I hope it turns out a lot better than last year, all the rabbits ate my stuff. :)
Jackson is adorable.....I love his pictures!
that's so fun that they have a place for you to garden! Good luck with it. I always kill stuff i try to grow. And seriously jackson is a little stud in that outfit!
That's awesome! I hope it all works out!
Good luck with that. I hope your plants grow. I haven't had much luck growing things in the past...but I think I will try growing squash this year?!
I want a little garden!!! Lucky! Unfortunately I know NOTHING about gardening...and I'd probably forget to water my plants. So I'll leave the gardening up to you, and I'll just eat all your yummy veggies ;)
How exciting! I loved having a garden last year...hopefully I can get around to getting ours going soon. I don't know if cantaloupe grows well down there, but we LOVED having that last year. It does take up a lot of room, though.
I love his socks!!! What a style'n dude! I just got all of Isaac 6-12 summer clothes out and ready for you! They are waiting for when you guys come up next!
Jackson's contribution... hahaha.
I'm really jealous about the garden! It looks like fun! Jackson is getting so big! He's cute, and I love his hat!
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