The birthday boy wanted a superhero birthday party this year, so superhero it was!
We invited some of his best friends to his party (which we had at the clubhouse). When they got there we had them decorate their own superhero capes. They were easy, and I thought they turned out really cute!

Then we played a superhero cake-walk type game where the kids all walked around in a circle to music (the theme song from Superhero Squad). When the music stopped, we called out a superhero and if you were standing on that superhero, you were out. Last boy/girl standing wins!
Then it was on to fighting some bad-guys! We had some balloon ninjas that the kids got to defeat using some special tools...
A Captain America shield (frisbee)
Iron man fire balls (Nerf guns)
And Spiderman webs (silly string)
Then it was on to gifts. He received so many nice gifts from his friends, including lots of superhero stuff, so he was in heaven!
He loves all superheroes, but his favorite is Spiderman. I surprised him with a Spiderman cake and he was pretty excited :)
The picture above was taken before Bode got his hands into it for a few tastes of frosting… little stinker! I am glad I got one picture of it in its better form :)
We also had Spiderman cupcakes!
Each kid got to pick a superhero lollipop to take home. Thank you Pinterest!
I think the party was a success. Jackson told me he loved it, so that is all I care about. Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate with us!
Other highlights of his birthday include opening presents from nana and papa, grandma and grandpa, and mom and dad. He was really excited about his new toy ship, Batmobile, and razor scooter (with green wheels, of course).
After dinner at Malawi's (pepperoni pizza-- his favorite), we headed across the street to Provo Beach Resort where we let he and Bode play a few games and ride the carousel.
Finally, we headed home, blew out the candles, and dug into the cake!
Happy birthday to our 4-year-old superhero!