Sunday, May 15, 2016
Molly- one month!
Somehow our little Molly is a month old! For the most part, things are running smoothly so far. She is such a sweet baby-- easy to please and still sleeping a lot. As long as she is changed and fed, she's usually a happy girl. We struggled with getting her to gain weight during her first week of life, but we got things figured out and now she is growing like a weed! After still being down to 6 lbs at one week of life, she then managed to gain a little more than a pound and surpass her birthweight in one more week's time (when she was two weeks old)! I was so happy and proud of her. I have a feeling when we go to her two-month appointment in a few weeks, she'll have moved her way up the growth charts quite a bit :)
She's sleeping fairly well most nights, with 3-4 hour stretches. I'm hoping it won't be too much longer until those stretches get a bit longer. Thankfully, she has always gone right back to sleep after eating in the middle of the night. In fact, on our first night home from the hospital (which has typically been so hard with our other boys), she slept for like 5 hours straight.
The boys have adjusted well to having a sister and are really sweet to her. Jackson and Bode ask to hold her often and they all love to give her kisses and pat her head. I love hearing Davis say her name-- "Maw-wee" :) Jackson and Bode have been huge helps and made the transition to four kids a lot less stressful. I'm actually really looking forward to school getting out these next few weeks!
Molly is starting to be more alert and in control every day. She's strong and can lift her head up and it's fun having her awake a bit more. She smiles a lot, mostly when she is sleeping. I don't know if it is gas or if she's just having good dreams, but it is really cute.
I take pictures of her every day, and wanted to post my favorites (from my cell phone) from her first month! Here they are in chronological order:
She loved her first bath and has loved them ever since. She's only upset when you take her out!
She reminds me of a little bird in these photos! I can't believe how little she was.
Her cheeks!
One of the first outfits I bought when I found out I was having a girl-- it's my favorite!
One of my very favorite pictures of her.
Sleep smiling :)
Dressing a little girl has been so fun!
Ready for a date night with mom and dad.
All dressed up for her first time to church.
It's been a great first month with our sweet girl. I am so happy she is here. She fits right in with our family and we are so grateful for her!
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Tulip Festival
Our boys really love going to the Tulip Festival. I wasn't sure we would make it this year, but I felt so well after having Molly, we decided to go as a family one sunny afternoon. I took my camera in hopes to get a few cute pictures of the kids. Davis was happy to participate for about 3 minutes before he was done with photos! Luckily, we got what I think are some really cute shots in his allotted time period :)
It was a fun afternoon and nice to be outside in the warm weather surrounded by my family and thousands of my favorite flowers!