Thursday, April 17, 2008

Weekly Funny - Hot Pocket

Jim Gaffigan is probably our favorite comedian. (sorry Seinfeld) This bit is hilarious! There are so many great quotes from this. Enjoy!


  1. I agree! Jim Gaffigan is pretty dang funny! I also love Brian Regan! He's hilarious! Oh question, how the heck do you add videos from youtube, to a blog? I've been trying to figure it out, but I'm pretty technologically illiterate! Please help!

  2. @mark and lachelle,

    To link a video is pretty easy, we figured out how to do it by luck. When you are making a post there are two tabs where you type the body of your message: 'compose' and 'edit html' You want to click on the 'edit html' tab. Then you just copy and paste the EMBED code that can be found to the right of your youtube video (on the right side of the screen under the information about the video, it will have URL and EMBED code, you want to copy the EMBED info). You just paste this into the html tab when you post and it appears.

    It may sound complicated, but after trying it you will see it is easy.

    Hope this helps.
