Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Calendar commotion

Have you all heard about this little "Men on a Mission" calendar fiasco? I saw this article in the SL Trib yesterday about how the creator of the calendar was recently excommunicated. Then, today I was watching Inside Edition and they also did a segment about it. Must have been a SLOW entertainment news day...

So I actually first heard about the calendar last fall. I can't remember if it was in the news or someone had sent me an e-mail making fun of it or what. I ended up visiting the site to see what all the hoopla was about. Basically, it's a calendar of a bunch of pansy boy "missionaries" with their shirts off posing in somewhat provocative poses. I call them pansy because while they are muscular, they also shave their pitts, chest (and who knows what else) and I'm guessing they take more of an interest in clothes, hair products and tanning than most girls. I was surprised because in one of the shots I saw what appeared to be some G's peeking out above the guy's shorts. C-L-A-S-S-Y.

The creator of the calendar claims his goal is to break stereotypes. I've never bought this crappy excuse. To me it is insulting that he considers people stupid enough to believe this is not about money. What's better for publicity and sales than a little controversy? I also learned in the article I read yesterday that this guy hasn't actively participated in the church for six years... seems strage that someone who's "mission" it is to break stereotypes about his church doesn't actually take more interest IN the church itself. This is OBVIOUSLY about profit people.

If this guy wants to make a cheesy calendar filled with self-obsessed "faithful returned missionaries" he is more than welcome to... I have the choice not to buy it. What bugs me is his so-called reasoning behind doing so. He should really just tell it like it is and admit that he saw an opportunity to make a profit off of a calendar he knew would be controversial. As for me? I'll stick to Ansel Adams, thanks.


  1. Ansel Adams is a classic! Love it. And, from the looks of him in the picture in that article, I sure hope he's not one of the calendar "models". yuck! :)

  2. I have never even heard of this. I think that the guy looks gay!!! And I am sure that he was EXed because of other things not just the calender. That is what I love about news and things is they use the information they want to not the whole kitten caboodle. So retarded.

  3. Don't rule out that these calendar boys could be die hard swimmers, and therefore have to shave EVERYTHING...........HA! Yeah right!!!! What a bunch of douche bags!
