Saturday, July 5, 2008

God Bless America!

Hope everyone had a great Fourth of July! We had an awesome day celebrating the traditional way... lots of food and fireworks. While the sales guys were off hard at work, all of girls got together and had a big bbq at the pool. Everyone brought something to share and we had some amazing food (and plenty of it)! The guys got done selling early so they met us up at the pool when they got home. I was laughing my head off when I saw them doing this:

The goal was to make a "basket" in the green tube, which eventually they did-- I just didn't catch it on camera. We were planning to go watch a big fireworks show, but it started raining and we'd heard a lot of the shows were cancelled. Luckily the rain eased up for awhile and a bunch of people from the office got together and we lit off our own fireworks!

As we were lighting our fireworks, we heard these big booms and we all ran toward the river in front of our apartments. Turns out there was a huge fireworks show just up the road and we could see it all perfectly from where we were! The fireworks looked really cool by the river with the reflection on the water. It was a great surprise and so nice to watch the whole show without having to travel anywhere!

After all of the fireworks we went and discovered our inner rock stars by playing Rock Band with a bunch of friends. Sean and I had never played, but we LOVED it. I thought the drums were so fun and Sean was quite the vocalist! Here's a shot of he and Glade rocking out:

Anyway, it was a great Fourth of July. I think about how lucky we are to live in the United States all the time. After reading John Adams' biography earlier this summer, I have a new respect for our Founding Fathers' efforts and all of the other early colonists who stuck it to the British and created the greatest country in the world.


  1. Glad you guys were able to see a firework show...although, fireworks just aren't the same after growing up in Idaho Falls and experiencing the best firework show ever! Ya hear what I'm saying!

  2. I'm glad you got to see a fireworks show after all! I love the fireworks. That video clip trying to make a basket is funny!
