Sunday, July 27, 2008

A Wicked Weekend

I finally got a chance to see Wicked last weekend in NYC. It's something I've been begging Sean to do for a long time, and I was not disappointed! The cast was amazing... especially Elphaba (the witch), and I couldn't believe how elaborate the set was. I've been listening to the soundtrack for a few years now, so it was really fun to see it live.

I also dragged Sean to three different H&Ms. I think even he was impressed with the NY stores' awesomeness. It is a good thing I tried to keep in mind that I'm going to be getting muy gordo because otherwise I think I could have done some major spending damage. I did pick up a couple of maternity shirts, which was an interesting experience in itself. How am I supposed to know how fat I'm going to get? On our way to this last store, we decided to ride in one of those bike carriage things (I'm sure there is an official name for them, but I obviously don't know what it is). Our "driver" was a young guy from Russia and was quite the little daredevil. We criss-crossed through NY traffic like it was nobody's business and I kid you not, on our final turn, the back wheels of our carriage skidded around the corner. At that point we couldn't even contain our laughter. I hope the nice Russian man was not offended by we unsophisticated Yanks.

Since Wicked and H&M were basically my choices in entertainment, Sean decided we ought to go to the top of the Empire State Building. Luckily our wait wasn't too horrible (a little more than an hour). It was a pretty hazy day, but the view was still worth it. We were laughing because the elevators to get to the top go about 50 floors in the same amount of time the elevator in our apartment building goes 3. Here's a few pictures from the top:


  1. I'm so glad you loved Wicked. It is SO good. I am very jealous of your H&M shopping spree. I went to one in California last week but stores in New York really are just amazing and huge. You've been telling me about Wicked for years so I'm so glad that you finally got to go see it!

  2. You lucky dawgs!!! I want to go to "Wicked!" I hear it is amazing! I also hear New York is amazing...but I have yet to visit there. Maybe one day...hmmm.....

  3. Too fun! You guys are making us miss New York! Congrats on your baby!

  4. NYC is the best! You'll have to check out the FAO Schwarz for baby prep. That was the funnest when I was prego. :o)

  5. I am so excited you finally saw Wicked! I want to see it again so bad. And the H&M on 5th is my favorite! I seriously went to that one at least 3 times a week when I lived there. I am going in a couple weeks and I am super excited!

  6. I love Wicked! That's so funny that we saw it basically at the same time! lol. I can't wait till I can see it again!! It was AWESOME!
