Monday, August 4, 2008

A day at the beach-- Ocean City, NJ

We went to Ocean City this weekend with our friends Rob and Janelle. It felt great to be at the beach (even though the crazy New Jersians charge you $5 per person). The beach was really nice and it was a fun family-type atmosphere. We had a great time walking the boardwalk (where we happened to run into our friends Glade and Gina) and stuffing our faces with junk food.

mmmm... funnel cake. Watch out for the dive-bombing seagulls who try to steal your food! I saw a little girl get a piece of pizza stolen right out of her hands by one of those stupid birds. I am pretty sure seagulls are the coldsore of the earth. I made sure to guard my funnel cake with great care!

The water was definitely a lot colder than we were used to from previous summers, but I even put on a brave face and ventured in! Here's Rob and Sean being eaten by a wave:

We found a bunch of crabs in the surf and borrowed some kid's bucket and caught a few. We were highly entertained by this little activity. It's all fun and games until you feel a pinch on your foot and look down and see a big crab staring up at you. It didn't hurt, but it did creep me out!

Hard to believe, but we only have one more weekend here in Pennsylvania!


  1. So fun! I love your beach dress, where did you get it, it is so cute! Oh and funnel cakes, now i want one. crazy to think summer is almost gone already. Are you going back to work when you get to utah?

  2. Thanks! I got the beach dress last summer in Virginia Beach at some random shop. I am going back to work when I get back to Utah-- probably til the holiday season. I was lucky because they let me keep my job and work from here during the summer.

  3. I have always wanted to see the beaches on the east coast....someday. Are you finding out what you are having?

  4. So fun! I can't believe the summer is almost over and you're back to Utah. Grant officially started school today so our summer ended really early. I want to go the beach again so bad. Looks like you had fun, not as warm as Virginia Beach though :) Those were good times. Anyway, I miss you! Have a good last little while there :)

  5. Fun!! I TOTALLY agree about seagulls!! They're awful. (Well, unless you're a pioneer and they're eating your crickets, yadda yadda yadda.. But, with that exception..)

    It's crazy that the summer is almost over! I'm so excited to be done this summer. (And hopefully forever, but we've said that before.)

  6. One of my other friends lives in PA going to school, and they just posted a pic of these exact flip flops on their blog! I love going to the beach. It just doesn't get much better than the beach, eh?
