Sunday, December 7, 2008

Holiday treats

We had our ward Christmas party last night and I signed up to bring a dessert. I saw this idea of topping cupcakes with chocolate snowflakes in one of my mother-in-law's magazines. They were so simple to make and I thought they turned out really cute! I just used a boxed spice cake mix and topped the cupcakes with buttercream frosting (with 1/2 tsp. cinnamon added). To make the snowflakes (I also made some trees) I bought white chocolate wafers (you can buy them at Roberts or Michaels in the cake decorating section), melted them down in the microwave and piped them onto waxed paper. If you don't have piping bags I'm sure a Ziploc bag would work! Anyway, I thought it was a fun idea.

I found a recipe for frozen hot chocolate the other day and Sean and I decided to try it out. My hot chocolate mine as well be frozen since the snow is taking its dear sweet time to show up and most days I don't even need a jacket. It's too bad too because at work we have an awesome free hot chocolate machine and so far I haven't felt the need for it. I am still dreaming of a white Christmas! Anyway, we both really liked this recipe. I tell myself it can't be THAT bad because there is no ice cream in it-- just chocolate, sugar and whipped cream is all! ;)Here is the recipe if anyone wants to give it a try:

Frozen Hot Chocolate

4 ounces of your favorite chocolate
2 teaspoons store-bought hot chocolate powder
1 1/2 tablespoons sugar (I used more)
1 1/2 cups milk
3 cups ice cubes
whipped cream
chocolate shavings (optional)

Chop chocolate into small pieces and melt in microwave on low heat or in small saucepan. Once melted, add hot chocolate mix and sugar, stirring constantly until thoroughly blended. Remove from heat and slowly add 1/2 cup milk, whisking until smooth. Cool to room temperature. In blender, place the remaining 1 cup milk, room-temperature chocolate mixture and ice. Blend on high speed until smooth and the consistency of a frozen daiquiri. Top with whipped cream and enjoy!


  1. Yum! We had our ward party last night too and my treats didn't turn out as cute as yours! Also, that hot chocolate looks fabulous! I am so jealous too.....I wish my work had a hot cocoa machine!

  2. Your cupcakes are so cute. I love those chocolate wafer things. I spelled out someone's name and used it for a topper on a cake once. So easy, but looks complicated and cute. I will definitely have to try the frozen hot chocolate. And if you want cold, come visit, I'm freezing and spend most of my day in front of the fire!

  3. I've got to try making those cupcakes sometime. They turned out so cute.

  4. the cupcakes look so cute, you are so talented!! And that is my kind of hot chocolate since it's never very cold here so we hardly ever have hot chocolate. :)

  5. Seriously, that frozen hot chocolate looks delicious! You can't go wrong with chocolate, cream, and sugar! Seriously! I'll make me some of those yummy cupcakes, with a frozen hot chocolate! No wonder people gain 10 pounds over the holidays!

  6. Your cupcakes are adorable! I bet every last one was gobbled down so quickly!
