Do you watch it? BEST show since The Office. I don't know why it took Sean and I so long to start watching, but I can't even tell you how much it makes us laugh! Nursing has provided ample time to watch an episode here and there :) We've been watching the first few seasons through Netflix online and it is hilarious! Seriously every character is a crack up, but our favorite is Jack (the boss) played by Alec Baldwin-- pure genius. Very witty writing and our style of humor. If you haven't seen the show before, give it a shot and tell us what you think!
Yes, I have seen that show. It is very funny! I'll have to start watching it more often.
We occasionally watched it last season but didn't totally get into it. This season we have been avid viewers and I love it! Sometimes you just need those 30 minute sitcoms to get you through the week!
I love 30 Rock!!! Tracy Morgan's character Tracy Jordan is hilarious! Did you watch last week's episode! He had some fantastic lines. I just watched it again last night.
We love 30 Rock I look forward to it each week!
I've heard 30 Rock was so funny...but I haven't ever seen it. I think I have some other show on at the same time. And our tivo isn't very high tech. We can only record one thing at a time, and we can't change the station. So needless to say, I haven't really had the chance to watch it. Maybe one of these days though.
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