We had a New Year's surprise-- the arrival of our son! Jackson Sean Ricks was born New Years Day at 3:29 a.m. We got to bring him home last night and he is doing great. He was 20 inches long and weighed 9 lbs. exactly. We were all shocked at how big he was since he was two weeks early! Looking at him now, I seriously don't know how he fit in my tummy. Obviously we think he is the cutest thing ever. He has lots of light brown hair and dimples on both cheeks :)

Jackson was also the New Year's baby for American Fork Hospital! Being the first one born brought with it some pretty awesome perks. The hospital gave us the epidural for free! We also got gift cards for Costco, Visa, Rod Works, Paradise Cafe, massages, microderm abrasion, two huge packages of Huggies diapers, flowers, cash, blankets, nursing stuff, etc. A lady from the newspaper came and took our picture and interviewed us and I guess we are going to be in the American Fork newspaper on Thursday (it is a weekly). It was all a pretty awesome surprise since we had no idea he was going to be born so early. We absolutely LOVED everyone and everything about delivering at American Fork Hospital.
My original due date was January 17, though my doctor had decided to induce me January 9-- long story. Well we went to our weekly doctor's appointment on New Year's Eve figuring this was still the plan, but when I got there they were worried about my blood pressure. To make a long story short, my doctor decided it was best to induce me right away. In fact, we went to the hospital straight from the doctor's office! I'll leave most of the labor details out, but it wasn't too bad since I had an epidural. Total labor time was 15 hours.
Anyway, we are so excited to have Jackson here with us and are happy to share our good news!

Proud papa

Check out all of his hair-- already stylish!

Proud mama

You guys are parents! Congrats! He is ADORABLE :) And...you got hooked up with the gift cards, that is awesome! You seem to be getting pretty lucky with "winning" stuff (the blog contest, first baby of 09, etc)...maybe he's a lucky charm. Can't wait to see more pictures and meet him in a few weeks!
Jenny! He is absolutely adorable.....and you look great! I am so excited for you guys and I am excited to watch him grow....I love blogs! By the way, I love his name too.....it is one of Jason and I's favorites!
oh jenny he is too cute!!!!!!!!! i love him and cant wait to see him. thats awesome about all the free stuff. you are one lucky girl, always winning stuff! i hope to be in utah sometime in feb/march.
oh ya, good thing he was two weeks early, he would have been like 10lbs is he was on the due date!
YEAH!!! congratulations!! that is awesome! You looked so great before you had the baby--you don't look big at all! What a lucky girl you are...a baby two weeks early, the first baby of the new year and such a cute healthy baby. He looks adorable. Have fun!
Yay! Jenny, Jackson is adorable!! He is a good looking baby. That is awesome that he was the New Year's baby and you got all that free stuff! You won the online baby shower and all this other stuff! What a neat thing to have for your first pregnancy. Congratulations to you both!!!
I am one lucky auntie to have such a great looking nephew! We can't wait to see baby Jackson! Isaac can't stop telling me how cute he is. And how Jenny has "her baby"! We are practicing his name with Ainsley and she is getting it down. Love you guys! Give him a kiss for us!
Holy crap!! I'm totally going to plan my pregnancies out, so that they are the first New Year babies born!! I can't believe you guys got all that stuff! That's awesome! Congrats on baby Jackson! He is adorable!
What a cutie! And you look fantastic! You just had a baby and you can't even tell, wow, if only I were that lucky! Congrats again! Enjoy motherhood and we'll visit you guys soon hopefully!
He is super cute!! And Jenny you looked great in your '9' month pic. It doesn't look like you got big at all. Baby Jackson must be a lucky baby to help you win the website rafle and be the first one born on New Years and got all that free stuff!!
Congratulations! He is so adorable! Nice work you did a fantastic job guys!!! Treasure every moment with him he will grow so fast ecspecially if started at 9 lbs!! Congrats guys!!
He is so so so cute!! I love his hair. That's fun that he is 9lbs! Chubby, big babies are so fun to sunggle with! And, cool that he was the fist baby of '09 and you guys got all that free stuff! I'm glad that everything went well and that you are home with you new little baby. I'm so excited for you guys. Becoming a mother is the best.
I'm so jealous! He is so cute, and looks very healthy. I want to be done SOOOOOOOOOOO bad. I bet you are having fun putting all that cute baby stuff to use now. Good luck the next couple of weeks!
Congratulations!! That is SO amazing! I'm so happy for you two! Jackson is SO adorable, and how exciting to have the New Year Baby at your hospital!! Congratulations, and enjoy your "babymoon!" You two look so great, and I don't know where all 9 lbs of him fit inside of you!
Congratulations both of you. Jackson is a real cutie, but I wouldn't have expected anything less. Love Uncle K2
Congratulations! I wish they would tell me - oh I think we will just let you have it! I love the hair! Do his shoes fit yet?
oh, my gosh! guess I should have looked at your blog before I texted you yesterday! haha!!! Congrats! He's gorgeous!!!! sooo happy for you guys! and WOW! welcome to to 9lb club! haha! you carried him sooo well!!! Let me know if you need anything! I still need to bring you your baby shower gift so let me know when it all calms down over there! xoxo
Oh my gosh he is here! I had a feeling you had already had him! I am so excited. He couldn't be any cuter! I hope you are feeling well. Let me know when you are up to having visitors. I am dying to see him and you and see how it all went. CONGRATULATIONS!
Jenny, He is so adorable, and you look great! Congratulations to you and your growing family!
Congrats! That is so amazing and exciting, he is adorable and I like the name. And now you have an even more exciting story to share!
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