Saturday, March 7, 2009

2 Months

We took Jackson in for his 2 month appointment yesterday.
Here are his stats:
Height: 75th percentile
Weight: 60th percentile
Head: 18th percentile

He weighed in at 12 lbs. 5 oz. and in the doctor's own words, he is doing "absolutely perfect." He had to get immunized and did surprisingly well. He stoped crying less than 30 seconds after the shots and was a happy camper the rest of the day. As you can see from that first picture, he has started smiling really big-- it makes me laugh every time! Here are a few more pictures we took recently. He's holding his favorite toy (a bird rattle) in the last one.


  1. what a cutie! love the bird rattle, its cute. love his smile too.

  2. What a little sweetie! I'm glad that his shots didn't make him grouchy. He's getting so big!

  3. Sweet shoes dude! Love the cheesers! I think Kate thinks we are weird because I swear she has literally rolled her eyes at me at least 3 times! But we love her! We need to get together sometime!

  4. He is adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics...and he definitely has a great smile!

  5. I love him so much! Love his smile, and his little chubs he is getting! What a good looking Boy!!!
