Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring break

Now that Sean is a student at a school with an actual spring break (we heard they exist) we decided to take full advantage with a trip to Idaho. We headed up to my parents' cabin for a few days where it looked nothing like spring with the four feet of snow on the ground. We had a great time chillaxin' (one of Sean's favorite words). It was a whole lot of candy, the hot tub and laying in the Love Sac. Case in point:

We did manage to get out and see a few things, such as this moose:

I kept bugging Sean to get closer for a better picture and nearly peed my pants laughing when I saw him franticly running back to the car because he was afraid the moose was going to charge him. Funny thing is as we were driving away the moose did run over to the spot where Sean was. Glad we escaped the moose mauling. We also saw some wolves in West Yellowstone at their little reserve which was pretty cool.

With it still being winter up there I thought it was the perfect opportunity for Jackson to wear his bear suit. It was so cute I almost couldn't stand it.

We also spent a few days in Idaho Falls with family which is always fun. We got to visit Sean's cousin Cory and his wife Kinley and meet their cute new baby Kate and Jackson got to spend some time with his cousins. Overall, a great trip! I could get used to this whole spring break thing.


  1. Ooooo, I remember the cabin! Fun times!

  2. Looks like you guys had a good time. Fun at the cabin!! of course he looks adorable in his bear suit.

  3. Fun Spring break. When I was teaching we'd take vacations then too. Love the Cabin...lots of fond memories. The candy drawer, the hot tub, what's not to love!? Cute bear suit, I bet he loved being so snuggly, at least he looks happy in it.

  4. Oh look at that sweet little girl. She is still talking about him and I love the bear suit! What a handsome boy. His smile is the best! Can't wait to hold him this weekend!

  5. It was great to see you guys! we are kinda pathetic when it comes to getting together aren't we! oh well! he is a cute little stud!

  6. Jenny thanks for all the comments you make on our blog! Jackson is a doll and I am so happy for you guys that Sean found an internship, what a relief:)

  7. Don't ya just love Spring Break! And I love Sean's word "chillaxin." I hope he doesn't mind if I start using that ;) Looks like you guys had a fun Spring Break....even though there was a buttload of snow (can ya tell I want summer to be here, already?)
