We've been gone the past three weekends in a row. First up was Idaho Falls with a visit to grandma and grandpa and nana and papa. We got to see our nieces Riley and Roxy dance in their recital (Jackson and I kicked it in the nosebleeds of the Civic Auditorium and walked around the halls of good 'ol I.F. High most of the time). They are both great dancers and it was fun to see them all dressed up-- wishing now that I would have gotten some pictures!
Last weekend we went with our friends Sam and Kristol up to their awesome cabin in Bear Lake. After my whole family (and half of our ward) got food poisioning from one of the shake joints when I was a kid, I wasn't sure if Bear Lake would ever redeem itself. Luckily, the Ogden's have helped me see the light. It was a weekend of good food and good company. Kristol is having a baby boy later this month and I can't wait-- Jackson needs another buddy! Again, should have taken more pictures.

Finally, this past weekend we went to St. George with my sister and her family and stayed at an awesome townhouse courtesy of my brother-in-law's generous parents. We've never taken a trip together so it was a lot of fun. We hit up the outlets, Nielsen's frozen custard and In 'n Out (twice). We spent Saturday at the pool and Sean got in a couple of his crazy games of H-O-R-S-E with Dave and his brother-in-law. It was a relaxing weekend!

Walking around the St. George temple:

Aren't my niece and nephew the cutest?

Jackson (left) and Adam snoozing the afternoon away:

After being gone so much, I think we're going to stick close to home for awhile!
I LOVE Jackson's hat in the first picture! Where'd you get it?
I even remember when you got the food poisoning, and I didn't even have it! That was brutal, and I'm sure memorable! Do you happen to remember the name of the shake joint? We are headed there in a couple of weeks for a reunion, and I'd like to avoid food poisoning if at all possible... :)
Also, I love Jackson's swimming gear, it looks so handy!
you guys have been going nonstop! looks like fun! jackson looks like he's about to fall asleep in the pool, lol.
Cassi, Jackson's hat was a gift from my sister-in-law so I am not sure where she got it. I'll try to find out for you!
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