Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cabin vacation

We just got back from a week in Island Park at my parents' cabin. It was hard to come home! It was so nice to have more than just a couple of days up there. Highlights:

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Drove the "loop" around Yellowstone Lake and saw about a million buffalo
Lewis & Clark Caverns-- a personal favorite of mine since childhood. Yes we were a little nervous taking J-dawg but he was great! Biter biscuits are our new best friend :)

About to go down the "beaver slide" in the cave where you actually sit down and slide for six feet. Sorry, fuzzy picture.

Swimming at Firehole in Yellowstone National Park with family. Check out Isaac's sweet shades!

Panning for gold! Sean has been wanting to pan for gold ever since he and his friend Rob started watching this random show in South Carolina called "Gold Fever." It was like the lowest budget t.v. show of all time and had the sweetest theme song I've ever heard. It goes something like this, "Go Go Go Go Go Go Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Gold Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Fee Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver Ver." Awesome, I know.
And no, we did not come home with any gold nuggets. Maybe next time.

Next-- the beach!


  1. It looks like you guys had a fantastic time!

  2. I love swimming at the firehole!! It's so much fun! What a great week! What beach are you going to? I'm totally jealous!

  3. Oh Island Park cabin so many memories. Two hot chicks in a super fun car always having a blast. Man I miss those days!
