Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day weekend

We spent the weekend in Idaho Falls and Island Park. Nothing too exciting to report, but a fun time all the same!


Fly fishing

Watching the big BYU game!
A trip to Virginia City and a ride on the steam train

The Eastern Idaho State Fair-- good food and people watching!

Love this picture of Sean and our niece

Hope everyone else had a good weekend. I am ready for a few weeks at home. Basically, I'm tired of packing and unpacking all of our hud!


  1. Are those curls I see in little Jackson's hair?

  2. Yes, I bet the people watching was fantastic.

  3. Oh I love Island Park! My parent's sold their cabin a couple of years ago and it was one of the saddest days ever!! I hope Sean is liking his second year of school! I have a friend here whose brother is a second year at the U as well.....I am sure Sean knows him, his name is Jordan Putnam. Anyway, your family is so cute!
