Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Carving pumpkins

We carved pumpkins this year with our friends Brian, Sam and their son Simon. Lots of pumpkin guts and lots of fun:

Drumroll please...Carved by (from left): Brian, Sam, Brian (for Simon), Jenny, Sean

I loved them all! How awesome is the Elmo?! The little boys loved that one. I got the idea for the stacked skeleton pumpkin from a magazine. I used Jackson's pumpkin for the head but I'm sure he didn't mind :) Sam's witch was awesome-- lots of little details you can't see in the photos. And I love Sean's classic jack 'o lantern with his huge smile.

Group shot:

Our row of Jacks--we're ready for Halloween!


  1. Jackson looks SOOOOOOOOOO cute in the last picture with all the "Jacks". He smiles good for the camera!

  2. I love your pumpkin Jenny! It is so unique.
