Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carving pumpkins 2010

I look forward to carving pumpkins every year. My sister's family joined us Monday night and we ended up with these beauties!

Dave carved the awesome witch on the left for Hayley, Emily carved the pirate skull for Max and Adam, Sean and I collaborated on the "R" in the middle, I carved the Mickey Mouse for Jdawg, and Sean carved the spooky guy on the right. And yes, we all used patterns!

And just for kicks I had to take a picture of our pumpkins on the doorstep.
Until next year!


  1. Cute! We haven't done ours yet, hopefully tomorrow!

  2. Great job! We just barely did our pumpkins tonight. I'll probably post pics on Facebook because our blog is way behind still.

  3. love the R! super cool! And bam bam is very cute! I just love his cute curly hair!
