I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! We returned home yesterday after spending the majority of the week in Idaho Falls. We stayed with Sean's parents this year. Both Sean's family and my family have some pretty great cooks so we never have an "off" year with the food! All of the food was awesome, but some particular standouts for me were the dressing made with homemade gf jalapeno cheese bread (collaborative effort from Sean's mom and sister), and the sweet potato casserole Erin made (sinfully delicious). I should have taken a picture of all of the food. We also had like 7 or 8 pies, which is never a bad thing. Too bad you needed a saw to get through the crust of my gluten free pumpkin pie! haha, I figure there is always next year!
Unfortunately Jackson had an ear infection for the first few days in Idaho Falls. He was pretty tired and moody, but seemed to cheer up towards the end. We have been having quite the battle getting him to take his medication... the first few attempts proved unsuccessful as he spit the hot pink goo everywhere. I am happy to say there have been no more spitting incidents since I started disguising the medication in strawberry/chocolate milk.
This was also the first year in quite some time where all of my siblings have been in Idaho Falls for Thanksgiving. It was nice seeing everyone and getting a chance to hang out. We saw a few movies (Harry Potter and Tangled) and watched the BYU game. We always have fun with Sean's family and had a great time Saturday night hanging out at Erin's. She made Pioneer Woman's jalapeno poppers and I ate about 30 and consequently gained 10 pounds. It's all in the name of Thanksgiving! ;)
We have a lot to be thankful for this year and I am so happy I got to spend Thanksgiving with so many of the people I care about most!
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