Jackson turned two yesterday! His birthday was 1/1/11 this year-- pretty cool!
We started the day off with his favorite breakfast-- Mickey Mouse pancakes drenched in syrup. This kid LOVES syrup.
Next it was off to Kangaroo Zoo (another of his favorites) with his cousins. They jumped to their hearts' content!
Max and Jackson climbing the ladder to the big slide:
After heading home it was time for a pizza and presents!
Opening his gift from grandma and grandpa:
A gift from mom and dad:
And from nana and papa:
He got lots of great new toys and genuinely seems to love them all. I think between Christmas and his birthday he should be set!
Finally it was time for cake. It had been a long time since I'd decorated one so I decided to take a shot at Mickey. Mickey and Pooh are in a close tie for first place in Jackson's mind, but Mickey won out because I thought he'd be cuter on a cake.
Time to sing!
Blowing out the candles with a little help from mom.
For memory sake-- some notes about Jackson at two years old:
-Wears mostly 3T clothing and size 7 shoe
-Very vocal and is speaking more in sentences--will repeat pretty much everything
-Favorite t.v. shows: Little Einsteins, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
-Favorite movies: Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Monsters Inc., Princess and the Frog, Cars, Jungle Book
-Loves books and some favorite include: Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You?, The Foot Book, Mickey Mouse and Winnie the Pooh books
-Still loves any type of ball, car and airplane
-Has an almost scary good memory and recalls things he has only seen once or hasn't seen for months
-Likes counting and is close to being able to count to 10 correctly
-Favorite songs: the bumble bee song, Twinkle, Twinkle (Winkle, Winkle as he calls it), Popcorn Popping
-Not a fan of vegetables but loves pretty much all fruit
-Always eats a good breakfast and lunch but usually picks at his dinner
-Takes a nap from 1 to 3 or 4pm every day
-Goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up between 8-9am
-Loves swimming and the Lehi Legacy Center Pool (especially loves talking about the big water bucket that splashes)
-Likes to name his friends and cousins
-Has to put his nose in the corner when he is naughty but seems to enjoy doing it
-Pretty good about saying "please" and "thank you." On the flipside, still laughs when he passes gas ;)
-Likes to see what I am doing in the kitchen and will pull up a chair and help me
-Hates climbing up the stairs at just our house for some reason
-Calls gummy bears "donkey bears"
-Likes riding his tricycle (scoots on it)
-Loves all of his stuffed animals (all of which have names) and likes to throw them in his crib and tell them "night, night"
-Hates having his teeth brushed and hair combed through
-Is scared of going to the doctor. As soon as you put him on the table he goes crazy!
-Still loves bath time
-Enjoys nursery now!
-Loves to jump-- on trampolines, on the floor, off of furniture, etc.
All in all, we think he is a pretty cool kid :)
Awesome cake Jackson! Lucky duck!
ReplyDeleteI love the video of him with his car! I was laughing at him wanting to drive his car off the jump! Boys will be boys! Classic!
How is it that our babies are 2 already! Crazy. He's adorable! What a fun birthday for him and cute cake.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Jackson!! Sounds like an awesome fun day filled with fun!