Friday, February 11, 2011

Birthday recap

I am officially 28 years old! I had a really nice birthday this year. Relaxing and low stress :)

Sean and I celebrated Tuesday night because he has late class on Wednesdays. My sweet friend Heidi took Jackson for us so we could go on a date. We went to Magelby's for dinner and it was yummy! It was nice not having to entertain a two-year-old the whole time :) In keeping it low-key, we decided to go out for dessert instead of having a big birthday cake at home. I've wanted to try a place in Orem called "The Chocolate" and try we did:
They even had a gf turtle tart dessert for Sean (half-eaten on the left). My favorite was the chocolate cupcake with the caramel frosting. I have yet to eat the chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting... even I have my limit!

After dessert Sean and I decided to head to the new Provo Beach Resort at Riverwoods for a little competitive skeeball. I am not sure how it started, but ever since dating in high school we have had a thing for skeeball. It was an even matchup- he won two games, I won two. We scored enough tickets to pick out some sweet prizes for Jackson.... a monkey bag where he keeps his "monies", some finger puppet monsters, and one of those water balloon tube things with plastic fish inside that flip inside out. He was pretty happy we didn't forget him :)

On Wednesday I got to start my day by going to breakfast with my handsome boys. We went to Kneaders and I finally tried the famous french toast. It is as good as everyone says it is!

I got to spend a lot of time during the day talking to friends and family, which I always enjoy. My friend Heidi took me out to lunch and my sister and her kids came over in the afternoon bearing gifts. Finally, I ended the day hanging out with some girlfriends and chatting until nearly midnight. It was a great start to my 28th year!


  1. You have lived there for how long and never had Kneaders french toast?! Well all I can say is yum...and I'm SO glad you had a great birthday.

  2. Hey sorry the message wrote from Ryan is my husband accidently put in by me with my husbands account lol! I did not know he was signed in so I wanted to let ya know so ya did not think some random dude was blog stalking you ha ha!

  3. Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had some great food, which really is the best part of life!

  4. Happy Birthday! What a fun day you had! I hope your 28th year is just as eventful and fun as your birthday was!

  5. I totally hogged you... but it was glorious and I won't apologize! Happy Birthday!
