Sunday, March 6, 2011

Singing and marching

Nothing of much interest has been going on with us lately, but I wanted to post a few funny videos I took this week. The first is Jackson singing one of his favorite songs he learned from his Sing-a-ma-jig:

Jackson is also a BIG fan of The Jungle Book and loves what he calls the "elephant song." I am not quite sure how it started, but he likes to march like the elephants in the movie when he hears it. Cracks me up every time!


  1. i love this little boy! I want his curly locks. Sooooo cute.

  2. Oh my so stinking cute! I love that. The singing is adorable. Colby hasn't done that yet, he likes songs but I've never heard him try to sing them yet. Something to look forward to!

  3. Jackson is so cute! What a great dad Sean is for marching along too!

  4. Are there any sweeter words than .."Come on Daddy" ...?
    Love, love, love this video. Thanks for putting it here so I can play it again, and again!

  5. tto cute, and what a nice daddy to participate!
