Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter/Anniversary!

Our 7th anniversary happened to fall on Easter this year. With a new baby and Sean in finals, we decided to keep this anniversary low key. We had a great day just hanging out together and had a yummy Easter dinner at my sister's house. Thanks to my friend Heidi who volunteered to babysit, Sean and I were able to go out to Tucanos for dinner last night (we took Bode with us and he slept the entire time). Seven great years together so far, and many many more to come!

Last week we were invited to an Easter egg hunt. It was one of my first solo outings with the boys, and I am happy to report it went well! Jackson has been obsessed with plastic Easter eggs this year, so I knew he would love it. It was funny because as soon as he found an egg he would open it and start eating the candy before looking for another one. :)

Belle, Ashton and Jackson after the egg hunt
Jackson wasn't so sure about the Easter bunny...
Face painting!

We dyed Easter eggs last weekend.

My sweet boys

I told Jackson he had Shrek hands from the dye (which happened to be on tv while we were coloring the eggs)

Easter morning
The "Easter Rabbit" (as Jackson calls him) came!
And there was even a little basket for Bode--comprised of gifts from other bunnies ;)
Candy and eggs aside, we are so grateful for our Savior and His example and sacrifice.

We hope everyone had a happy Easter and happy anniversary to us!

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