Saturday, October 22, 2011


We went to Lagoon a few weeks ago with Sean's sister Erin and her girls, along with some of their cute friends. Jackson and Sean went last year and Jackson has been pining to go again ever since. We had a such a great day!

Jackson and Remi cruisin' on the boats

I didn't realize Lagoon is so kid friendly. There were a ton of rides for the smaller kids.

 Jackson is waving in the back :)

 Roxy, Jackson, and Remington ready for the swings

One of the kids' favorite rides was the new Bombora roller coaster. It was really fun and we rode it several times. Jackson seems to have no fear when it comes to rides. I was actually kind of surprised he was old enough to go on it.

Jackson and I in the back on Bombora

 Oh my sweet Bode.
Hanging out in the stroller all bundled up. It was pretty dang cold the first half of the day. Luckily it warmed up slightly in the afternoon when the sun decided to finally peek through the clouds.

 Hooray! Sunshine!

Jackson also loved this ride. It is a smaller version of "the rocket" ride for adults. He liked putting his hands up (until we actually dropped, that is!)

So much fun spending time with cousins :) And such good cousins to help out!

Sean and I riding "the rocket: re-entry." Just before the ride started we heard an employee ask another worker over the loud speaker to re-check Sean and I's harnesses. Um, what?!!!


Before anyone could stop him, Jackson hopped in this ride with this random little girl. Smooth move buddy! ;)

Remi and Jackson

An overall great day. I think this needs to become an annual event!

1 comment:

  1. Last year it was an amazingly warm and beautiful day. I think it should be an annual event with good weather!
