Sunday, December 11, 2011

Family pictures

We had some new family pictures taken awhile back. My friend Ashley took them for us again and I am so happy with how they turned out! 

Watch out, ladies! ;)

This picture may be my favorite!

Ashley, you rock! Thank you so much! 


  1. The photos are fantastic! She is a very talented photographer, however, she did have some great material with which to work!!! *Your eyes look amazing!

  2. my fave is the one of jackson kissing bode!! both of your boys will have the ladies pounding on your door. your pictures turned out awesome!

  3. I wish I had a friend who took such great pictures! Great pics and cute little boys!!

  4. Your family is adorable and you are gorgeous Jenny!

  5. ok, the one where Jackson is kissing Bode....oh the goodness!!!!!!!! You are beautiful people! I love all of these!!!!!

  6. Such cute pictures! I also saw your Christmas card and I love it!!

  7. Those are so cute! I want Ashley to take our pictures next year. I love the ones of Jackson on the train.
