Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I can't believe this guy is one. 
  This picture kills me every time I look at it.

His birthday was Friday and we started the day with pancakes-- one of his favorites!

We decided to head to Idaho Falls for the weekend and throw a little birthday party. We had a new niece and nephew to meet and Sean's mom was in town, so it was a win-win.

We kept it low-key and had a pizza party. It was a lot of fun and exactly what I was hoping for!

We weren't sure what to get Bode for his birthday that Jackson didn't already have, but we did find this:

It is an elephant toy that blows little plastic balls through its trunk. I'll tell you what-- that thing is a hit and worth every penny! Kids old and young couldn't get enough of it. I didn't get pictures of the rest of his gifts, but he also got a really cute lion stuffed animal, a big blue ball, a cool ladybug toy, and a toy that you pound shapes with a hammer. I made him a new hooded towel since he is starting to outgrow his piggy one.

I thought it turned out really cute!

 His cake:

Bode usually shoves food in his mouth in giant handfuls, but we weren't sure how he would react to his own cake.  It went something like this:

What is this?

Not sure if I am interested...

Alright, I will try a little bit.

Woah, that's good!


Still going strong...

Nailed it!

The kid ate an unreal amount of cake. There were crumbs on the floor and in the high chair, but seriously, I kept thinking I needed to stop him. He pretty much ate through the entire giant cupcake and was overjoyed about it. It was highly entertaining. 

 Time for a bath 

Trying out the new towel

Bode's new cousin, Phoebe, was born on his birthday and we were able to go see her in the hospital the next day.

Almost exactly one year age difference (within an hour!) Amazing to me to see how much babies change in one short year.

We also got a chance to meet this handsome guy-- another new cousin, Miles! 

Cute kids all around!

Happy birthday to you, Bode! We're so grateful for you. You've brought so much joy to our family with your laughter and huge, dimpled smile. We love you!

A few notes on Bode at 1 year:
-Crawling, pulling himself up, and always on the move
-Two naps each day. In bed around 8:30pm and awake around 7:15am
-Loves balloons and balls
-Loves playing on the bed (especially in the buff!)
-Favorite foods: cereal, noodles, fruit, yogurt, scrambled eggs, carrots, pancakes, anything sweet
-Eight teeth
-Loves bath time
-Likes blowing bubbles, opening drawers and cupboards, jumping in his jumper, and dropping things off his high chair
-Wears 12-18 month clothing
-Loves his brother Jackson and wrestling and playing with him
-Doesn't like being rocked to sleep much
-Doesn't like having his face wiped or having to sit still to get dressed
-Very vocal and likes to scream to get our attention
-Wants to eat whatever anyone else is eating
-Nicknames: Bozer, Bode boy, Bode bear, Bo diggity
-Says "mama" and "dada"and knows what they mean


  1. that elephant toy is the best. my mom bought it for luke and I was somewhat annoyed at first because it was past his "age" but man alive Luke plays with that things for hours and her house. It is out within minutes of arriving at grandmas!

    and we all now I love me some Bode! I kind of wish my little guy was a girl so I could have the slightest chance of having him adopted into my family!

    love that boy! happy birthday bode!

  2. OMG that boy can eat! What a little chunker lol. Love him, he's adorable and so smiley!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. He is seriously SO cute! I can't believe how fast the first year goes......seems like I was just reading that he was born!

  5. What a change a year makes! Love the photos and Bode's great big smile!
