Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day weekend 2012

We got home tonight after spending the long weekend in Island Park. Despite the drab forecast (it is Memorial Day weekend, after all) we thought a change of scenery would be nice.

We spent Thursday night in Idaho Falls. For some reason Jackson was REALLY excited to show grandpa his dinosaur book (the first thing he told me when he woke up that morning). 

We stopped at our brother-in-law's pharmacy (Idaho Drug) on the way up to the cabin on Friday. It is the coolest--they even have a soda fountain!

What the weather looked like nearly the entire time we were there...
Sort of strange seeing snow again after our "winter" this year.

Poor Bode wasn't feeling well the entire time. I am taking him to the doctor first thing tomorrow because I have a sneaking suspicion he has another ear infection. He just had a double ear infection a month ago :(

We spent most of Saturday here:

It has been a really long time since I have been in the Park with snow on the ground so it was kind of cool. We saw elk and tons of buffalo. My favorite were the baby buffalo-- they have red fur and were really cute.

We drove to Mammoth and stopped for lunch. Sean was pretty excited they had a gluten free chili dog (including bun!) on the menu. On our way back, Jackson and I braved the rain to see a little bubbling spring. We also stopped at Gibbon Falls for a few minutes-- any longer and we would have been frozen!

We had lots of hot chocolate and time in the hot tub to keep warm. I was able to go on a nice walk with my mom when we had a short break in the weather. And despite the cold, Jackson's four-wheeling dreams came true in one short ride Sunday morning. 

We finished the trip back in Idaho Falls celebrating our niece's birthday along with some Memorial Day Shopping. Maybe one of these years we'll actually have nice weather Memorial Day weekend!

In all seriousness, we realize Memorial Day symbolizes a lot more than a long weekend and big sales. I found myself thinking about my grandma Catharine, niece Grace, and aunt Mary a lot today. We are extremely grateful for the men and women who serve our country-- especially Sean's brother Steven and his family. 

Happy Memorial Day!

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