Monday, December 31, 2012

Christmas 2012

We had a very merry Christmas this year. The boys were really into it-- especially Jackson. We had fun going to his preschool Christmas program, making a paper chain countdown, doing Elf on the shelf, seeing the lights, etc.

On Christmas Eve we went back to Lowe's Xtreme Airsports with my sister's family. The kids love it and it is a great outlet for all of the Christmas energy. We always joke that it will wear them out and help ensure an early bedtime :)
The boys opened up new Christmas jammies and slippers and got new pillow pet nightlight.

We didn't forget Santa:
And we also sprinkled reindeer food on the lawn in front of our house!

Santa came!

The boys woke up around 6:45 am and the festivities began. 

Santa remembered the Nano Speed Racers!

Lots of superhero stuff this year

Including Hulk, which Bode is surprisingly a little bit afraid of!

"Hulk smash!!!"

Sean's new "Bug-A-Salt" that he is quite fond of.

After breakfast we packed up and drove to Idaho Falls to spend the rest of Christmas day with family. The boys were tuckered from all of the excitement and napped most of the way.

A competitive game of "Jenga" where Sean and Sylvia reached "expert" status.

A little "Just Dance" action

My mom's birthday is the day after Christmas and this year was the big 6-0. My sister, dad, and I planned a little party for her and we had a lot of fun celebrating together. All of my siblings and I came into town for the party (which was a surprise to her and no easy feat considering the weather). We went out to dinner together and invited her friends over for cake and ice-cream afterward. She was surprised and happy, I think. I was glad we could do something to honor her since she does so much for all of us. 

Bode and Brinley "winding down" after the party by jumping off this step about 200 times.

Hanging out with uncle Thomas and taking funny pictures of themselves. 


I am always a little bit sad to see Christmas go, but I am grateful we had a good one. We have a lot to be thankful for-- most importantly, our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Hope everyone had a merry Christmas. We're looking forward to the New Year!

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