Thursday, January 31, 2013

Once there was a snowman

With it finally warming up a bit, we ventured outside yesterday to play in all the fresh new snow! With some help from Kristol and Dax, we made a snowman.

Meet "Chocolate Chip"
Why is he named Chocolate Chip? I don't know. I asked Jackson what he wanted to name him, and that was his answer, so Chocolate Chip it is! 

It felt so good to be outside. We were getting major cabin fever being indoors so much. 
If you are wondering why Jackson's mouth looks so dark, it is because he and Dax kept sneaking Oreo's (which we used for the eyes). :)

After building the snowman we did a little sledding around the neighborhood and ended the afternoon with some hot cocoa. Hooray for the inversion being gone!


  1. That is one of the best snowmans I have ever seen, LOVE IT! And his name is awesome :)
