Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas 2013

A few days before Christmas we headed to temple square to check out the lights. We were lucky enough to have Sean's mom visiting with us. I love this picture of she and Jackson!

We took advantage of the snow storms and took the kids sledding with my brother, Todd, and his daughter Brinley one afternoon.

On Christmas Eve we carried my family's tradition of lighting luminaries to our new home. I think they looked so beautiful! It was so much fun being in our house this Christmas!
We also took a drive to look at Christmas lights and read the Christmas story from Luke 2. Finally, we read "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" and got the kids to bed. 

Jackson's ornament this year is a bell he picked out from a Christmas store we visited during our trip to the lake house in Washington this summer. He chose the bell because it looks like the one in "Polar Express," which is one of his favorite movies.

Bode's ornament is a Mickey Mouse Santa. We chose this one for him because he LOVES Mickey :)

Santa came!

Christmas morning

Showing off their awesome super hero capes their aunt Stacy made for them.

Jackson has been excited about these "Wild West Legos," as he has been calling them, for months. It was his one request for Santa, and Santa delivered! He was so excited and it was so fun watching how excited he and Bode were about their presents. Christmas really is so much fun with kids.

In the past we have usually been in Idaho Falls for Christmas dinner. We typically ate with my parents and my mom always makes prime rib. Since we were staying home this year, I decided to try making it myself for the first time.

I was so surprised how easy it was. And I don't mean to brag, but it was SO good. I am quite proud of myself!

We invited my parents to come eat dinner with us on Christmas, and to our surprise, they came! It was a lot of fun getting to spend the last half of Christmas with them. It really was an awesome day-- just the type of day you hope for.

A few days after Christmas, we headed to Idaho Falls for the weekend to attend our nephew's baptism. 


We're back home now, and all of the Christmas stuff is put away, but I'll always remember this Christmas with very fond memories. 

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