Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

We started off our Easter weekend with the Pleasant Grove city egg hunt. This is our third year going and our boys absolutely LOVE it. 

Bode and I waiting for the whistle!

On the hunt

Checking out their loot with a bunch of their friends. My friends Cassidy, Joeli, and I all have three boys!

Our friends were going to another egg hunt a little later near our house, so we decided to join them for round two!

Saturday night we dyed eggs.

The boys chose Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle eggs this year, and they actually ended up being awesome. I loved that they were simple enough that the boys could put them together.

Sunday morning the boys woke up and discovered the Easter bunny had come. Davis didn't have a big basket like his older brothers, but he did get some new pacifiers :)

We had special bunny pancakes for breakfast (thank you Pinterest) and the boys thought they were really funny.

Lucky for us, our church doesn't start til 1pm, so we had time to take a few pictures of the boys in their Sunday best beforehand. I thought they turned out so cute!

I LOVE this picture. I don't have any idea what they are laughing about, but it makes me smile.

I think Davis looks especially dapper in this one :)

Sean grabbed the camera and took a few of Davis and I together and I am so glad! I don't think I have any pictures of us together since he was a newborn. I thought he looked so darling in his little outfit and bow tie.

After church we came home and had a big dinner. We had way too much food, so we're eating leftover ham in some form or another for most of our meals this week.

We had a great time celebrating Easter together as a family. I am grateful for my Savior, the atonement, and my knowledge that He is risen.

1 comment:

  1. You are so beautiful Jenny and your boys so handsome...what a cute family!
