Sunday, June 1, 2014

Davis: 6 months

I'm not sure how it happened, but Davis is 6 months old. 

This boy. I can't say enough good about him.

I finally got my act together and started him on rice cereal the other day. Look at him looking so grown up in his high chair!

Let's just say when it came to the rice cereal, he was not a big fan!

We did get a smile out of him in between his gagging and funny faces :)

But then he went right back to showing us his disgust.

He was back to his happy self after we stopped trying to get him to eat!

A few more pictures I took on his half birthday:

And a few more fairly recent ones I want to include :)

 I can't resist a sleepy baby!

Snoozing in sunday school :)

He's wearing my favorite pajamas in this one.

I keep wondering when this honeymoon stage with Davis will end. He is the sweetest, happiest, most content baby I have ever met. I wish I could take the credit, but he's truly just an awesome baby.

A few notes on Davis at 6 months:
-Weighs close to 21 lbs!
-Wears size 9 and 12 month clothing
- Is close to sitting up on his own
- Loves being held and loves attention
-Smiles very easily
-"Talks" a lot
- Loves his little stuffed elephant blankie and pacifier
- Loves grabbing onto his toes and onto people's faces and hair
-Was sleeping through the night since 3 months old, but usually wakes up once now to eat. Hoping if he ever decides he likes rice cereal and other solids, this will stop!
-Loves baths
-Has his hands or his blanket in his mouth all the time
-Always greets you in the morning with a big grin

Hard to believe in another 6 months it will be Thanksgiving Day and this little dude will be turning one!

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