Thursday, December 4, 2014

Davis turns one

Davis turned one on Thanksgiving Day this year! I thought it was perfect that it happened to fall on Thanksgiving because we truly are so grateful for this sweet boy. 

Chocolate milk for breakfast! It was his first time drinking regular milk.

We ate Thanksgiving dinner with Sean's two sisters and spent most of the day with them. He loved all of the attention from his cousins.

Eating dinner-- he was a big fan of the cranberry salad his aunt Rachel made.

He was also a big fan of their cat.

Post dinner nap :)

We did most of the celebrating for his birthday the day after Thanksgiving and had a little family pizza party at my parents' house.

He enjoyed his pizza :)

On to presents! There were lots of cousins to help unwrap!

 I love the side eye he is giving Phoebe.

Sean looked very festive in his party hats :)

Time for cake!

Davis got his own giant cupcake and I made turkey cupcakes for the kids.

He got a big grin on his face when we gave him his cake. He wasn't sure what to do!

He took small bites at first...

And then he just went for it!

Davis brings so much happiness to our family. He's only one, but I feel like I learn from his example. He is quick to smile and find joy in anything. He's sweet and loving and mild-mannered. He giggles all the time and his laugh is infectious. He draws people to him like a magnet and makes you feel like a million bucks. That's probably part of the reason there are several ladies at church who fight over him! I tell Sean all the time that his giant smile and hugs recharge my batteries. Needless to say, we're grateful for this little guy.

Some notes on Davis at one:
-Height: 31.3" (92%)
-Weight: 25.7 lbs (95%)
-Started crawling 4 days before his birthday and curious about everything
-Loves attention
-Has a sweet tooth and is sort of picky about food right now. He enjoys dropping what he doesn't want to eat off of the side of his high chair. Often eats without his hands!
-Loves Mickey Mouse
-Says "Dada", "Mama", "wow", and "ooooh" along with lots of baby babbles
-Loves baths
-Loves being held upside down

Happy birthday, Davis! We love you!!!

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