Sunday, April 19, 2015

Bode: My favorite pictures ages 3-4

With Bode having just turned 4, here is the latest annual installment of my favorite photos of him from the past year. This was a big year for him-- he started preschool, became a sunbeam, learned how to ride a bike, etc. He's grown up so much!

In the best order I can remember:

Look closely at Bo in the back, right corner :)


Some notes on Bode at 4 years old:
-Tells me several times a day, "I love you mom."
-Can ride a bike without training wheels
-Writes his own name and knows most of his letters
-Wears a size 11 shoe
-Loves preschool and primary
-Loves HotWheels
-Favorite shows: Paw Patrol, Blaze and the Monster Machines, Miles from TomorrowLand
-Can be stubborn but is also very sweet
-Always quick to share
-Loves bubblegum
-Asks if he can wear shorts every single day, no matter the weather
-Always wants a ride on dad's back before getting into bed
-Will usually eat his vegetables and dinner if we tell him it will "make you run really fast." He then runs from one house to the other and asks us to watch how fast he is.

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