Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Last days of school

Somehow school is out and it is summer! Both of our boys loved school this year and their year-end programs were really cute.

Kindergarten program

Sean and I were giggling because Jackson was pretty serious during the performance! 

All smiles with his best friend when it was over!

We loved the kindergarten performance during the dance festival. Jackson is in the back on the left.

I cannot say enough good about Jackson's teacher, Mrs. Richey. She was awesome. I had the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom on Wednesdays and I was really impressed with how she ran her classroom. Jackson always looked forward to school and I am so glad kindergarten was such a positive experience for him. 

Bode finished his first year of preschool this year and loved it. His year-end program was darling! They had a circus theme and he got to be a clown. 

This video of him singing just makes me giggle because he is so intense in the chorus! 

He also loved his teachers and they told Sean and I that Bode was one of the very best 3-year-old singers (as in "enthusiastic") they had ever had. Made us smile because he is always singing at home.

Bring on summer!

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