Monday, July 13, 2015

Fourth of July 2015

Another awesome Fourth of July has come and gone. It really has become one of my favorite holidays. We spent the first part of our trip in Idaho Falls and then headed up to Island Park. 

Sean took the boys fishing one morning to a little pond outside of Idaho Falls and they "caught" a fish-- or actually just netted one depending on who you talk to :)

The boys loved helping grandma make cinnamon rolls.

In line at breakfast and wearing their Fourth of July shirts grandma gave them

Parade watching

After the parade we headed for Island Park and wasted no time in starting up the four wheelers.

Davis loved all of the junk food and drank this entire can of soda. He thought he was in heaven and kept looking around like he couldn't believe I just let him keep the whole can. This is not the norm, I promise. I just figured I'd let him be on vacation, too.

We took a hike one day to Whits Lake and it was SO pretty. The wildflowers were everywhere!

My boys love hanging out with their cousins so much. 

At the upper lake

Glad we got a family picture with everyone smiling 

...because Bode melts down pretty quick in front of the camera sometimes! haha

Always a great time at the cabin with family. Hard to believe it has come and gone and we have school to think about in a month!

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