Monday, July 18, 2016

Fourth of July

We usually spend time in Island Park after the Fourth of July, but the way things worked out this year, we headed up to the cabin a few days before. It's always a fun time spending time with family up there, and this year was no different. Lots of four wheeling, exploring, and beautiful scenery. Oh, and ice cream. Do yourself a favor-- if you're ever in West Yellowstone, go to Arrowleaf and get yourself a huckleberry milkshake!

Looking for the beaver near this dam, but never found him!

Black Sands

I had to take a picture of some of the cups with our names on them :)

After a few days we headed back to Idaho Falls for the Fourth. 

It was a bit of a late start for their annual tradition of driving down the parade route and throwing candy before the parade started this year, but they did get a ride in the Model T and got to see their grandpa almost get ticketed. :)

Parade watching with my Molly girl

Sean gave me this onesie Molly is wearing as a Christmas gift last year shortly after finding out we were having a girl. I remember the first thought I had when I opened it was that it would be perfect for the Fourth of July-- and it was! She looked so darling and I thought it was such a sweet gift. 

Molly and my mom matched!

We strategically placed this flag after walking home from the parade :)

Afternoon nap after two barbecues

We went down to the green belt for the fireworks this year. It had been a few years since we'd been and it was a lot of fun, even though Bode, Davis, and Molly all fell asleep before it was over! Loved the sunset as we waited for the big show.

The Fourth of July really has become one of my very favorite holidays!

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