Sunday, September 11, 2016

First days of school

Jackson and Bode started school a few weeks ago, so we had to take the ceremonial first day of school pictures! Both boys were really excited for school to start. I am so glad they enjoy going. 

Jackson was up first this year since kindergarten starts a week later. I am still trying to wrap my head around him being in second grade!

I about died when I compared his pictures to last year's! I cannot believe how much he has grown up! I sometimes still miss his curly locks, but I am actually really loving his shorter 'do this year.

A few more pictures in the backyard since I don't often get out the nicer camera and take pictures of them! Ironically, that is his sunflower he brought home at the end of first grade in the background.

So far Jackson is loving his class. He has a lot of friends in there this year and he loves his teacher. 

Next, it was Bode's turn! He has been looking forward to kindergarten and going to the same school as his older brother for a VERY long time. He couldn't wait to be done with preschool and even told me he wanted to skip summer! 

Sitting at his desk and all ready for school to begin! No nerves whatsoever.
So far, school has lived up to his high expectations. He's making new friends and says recess is his favorite part of the day. 

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