Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Favorite photos of Davis 2-3 years old

To celebrate Davis's birthday, here is my compilation favorite photos of him from the past year. It was fun looking through them all and I can't believe how much he has grown up in one year's time. He changed bedrooms, graduated from a crib to a bed, became a middle child, grew his hair out and discovered it is curly, went to Disneyland, camping, to Moab, up to the cabin, and hit many other milestones. Once again, there are a ridiculous number of photos, but I am glad to have them and figure if anyone actually reads this and isn't interested, they can skip right along. :)

Davis age 2-3

Nose in the corner :)

I actually love this one because he refused to smile with the characters and it makes me laugh!

The one time he smiled!

Before his room was converted into Molly's nursery. It was really hard for me to change this room because I loved it so much. Glad I have pictures to remember it.

I remember getting teary right after I took this picture because I knew my days with him as my baby were limited with his little sister's upcoming arrival.

Father and son's campout-- first time camping!

Boys Moab trip

Asleep on the top step.

One of my all-time favorite pictures.

We call this spot in front of the oven "Davis's spot" because he goes and lays on the floor whenever the oven is on because it makes the floor warm. :)

Some of our family photos:

Another one of my all-time favorites.

His eyes also turned green this year and I feel like you can really see them in these pictures.

This picture pulls at my heart strings. I could not love him more.

I hope good things are in store this next year for this cute boy.

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