Monday, January 16, 2017

Molly 9 months

Here we are at 9 months old! It's been a busy last month with the holidays. I will say, it was a lot of fun having a girl at Christmas and having a few girly things under the tree and from Santa. 

Molly is doing great and has really found her voice in the past few weeks and isn't afraid to use it! She's still pretty happy-go-lucky, but definitely prefers to have me in her sight. She loves to eat and gets very excited about food. She lets us know when we aren't feeding her fast enough! Her personality is so much fun. She loves little games and laughs easily. She's loving her exer-saucer, and is saying "dada" fairly regularly when she babbles. She's not showing much interest in crawling, and like our boys, I think it'll be quite awhile before she hits that milestone. I'm ok with that because I feel like it keeps her a baby a little longer. :) She's a good napper and takes naps twice a day, but doesn't usually like being rocked. Her brothers continue to dote on her and adore her, and she is definitely not lacking for attention (especially if any of their friends are over). 

Here are her stats: 

And here are my favorite pics from 8-9 months:

So many times I have multiple photos that are almost the same, but I have a hard time picking just one!


No tears for this little lady. She just studied him and checked out his beard.

Checking out her loot from Santa

Gets to play the part of a real-life doll when friends are over :)

Eating out at Tucanos for Jackson's birthday. She was a big fan.

 Our little 9 month photo shoot

I love pictures where I can see her concentrating. 

I just really love her eyes in this one.

Possibly my favorite picture of her of all time.

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