Sunday, March 19, 2017

Hawaii: Day 4

Day 4

We spent the majority of the next day relaxing and taking it easy. We had amazing weather and lots of sun. We all loved watching the sunrise from our balcony each morning. 

The view at breakfast every morning was so beautiful! Sean and I had the big breakfast buffet included with our room and we took full advantage of it. I rarely eat breakfast at home, but the food was so good and we just filled up each morning and usually skipped lunch.

I ate these little waffles with coconut syrup, whipped cream, and raspberries pretty much every morning. I have missed them ever since we've been home!

Beautiful beach day!

Molly was fascinated by the sand. 

 Also beautiful view at the pool :)

I loved how both sides of Turtle Bay were so gorgeous. When we were at the pool I would just sit and stare at the ocean and the waves coming in and just try to soak in the scenery. The kids loved the pool, and especially the water slide. Davis rode the slide seriously hundreds of times, and that is not an exaggeration. He grinned every single time! It was so cute.

Later in the afternoon we decided to go see if we could see any sea turtles at a nearby beach, and lucky for us, there were two! This was something the boys were really hoping for, so I was relieved and excited for them!

We decided sort of last minute to go to the Dole Pineapple Plantation. We kept it low key and just did the train ride and walked around the little garden area at the end. We weren't originally planning to go there, but I am glad we did. Seeing all of the different types of trees and pineapple plants was fun, and the Dole whips at the end weren't bad either ;)

The colorful trunks of the gum trees were so cool!

Of course my favorite were the pink pineapples.

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