Thursday, March 30, 2017

Jackson's baptism

My nephew was baptized this past weekend and I realized I still needed to do a post about Jackson's baptism!

Jackson was baptized on February 4 and it was a really great day. It was a stake baptism and Jackson was the only one from our ward baptized that day.

Sean's dad did a great job speaking about baptism and both he and my dad were the witnesses.

Jackson was fortunate to have lots of family come support him on his special day.

He also had some friends there and even his school teacher showed up!

After the baptism and confirmation we came to our house for lunch. We ended up catering Cafe Rio because it is a good option for the gluten free members of the family and it was so nice having it already set up and waiting for us!

We're so proud of this boy who is quickly growing into a young man. Jackson truly has a heart of gold and is such an example of love, kindness, and unselfishness. We often ponder how we are so lucky to have him in our family. We're proud of the decisions he's making on a daily basis, and the decision he made to be baptized. 

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