Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Goblin Valley

We joined my sister and her family camping in Goblin Valley over Labor Day weekend. We had never been before and it was such a cool place! I always say there are so many places in Utah I still need to visit. We found an awesome camping spot and felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. We didn't even see another car pass our site the entire weekend. I was a little nervous about taking all four kids camping, but it was great! The kids loved sleeping in the tent and being with their cousins. 

Molly woke up so happy each morning.

Goblin Valley was such a crazy place! The hoodoos were everywhere and it felt like a space playground. There were endless places to climb and explore and the kids were in heaven.

Hayley and Dave peeking out

After snacking and cooling off in the car, we headed to Little Wild Horse Canyon. It was so pretty and so fun hiking in the slots!

I couldn't believe how narrow it got in some places. There were several spots narrower than the width of my foot. It was interesting in a few spots trying to squeeze through with Molly!

Everyone had fun climbing and even Molly was into it! She tried climbing any time we stopped and she actually climbed a pretty decent hill by herself (with supervision).

To get Davis to hike on his own a little longer, Sean played hide-and-seek with him. Sean would go ahead and "hide" while Davis would try to follow and find him and vice versa. It worked like a charm!

After the hike we headed back to camp and had a yummy dinner. 

The kids had so much fun hanging out and exploring around our camping spot. They climbed lots of little hills around us. We all got SO dirty. 

Striking a pose!

The kids nicknamed this hill the "cousins monument."

View from the top.

They also hiked up to another spot they dubbed the "butt crack" haha. 

Surprisingly, we all slept pretty well! 

I just gave up trying to keep Molly clean. This picture just makes me laugh!

Petroglyphs a few miles from our campsite.

We had such a great weekend and loved getting to see a new place! 

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