Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fall break

While seemingly all of Utah headed south to St. George for fall break, we headed north! We spent one night in Idaho Falls and the boys had a blast spending the night at Sean's parents' house. We headed up to Island Park the next day. Even though it was freezing, it is always so good to be at the cabin.

We were all hoping it would snow at least a little bit while we were there, and it did! We still got out the four-wheelers and had fun taking short rides. 

Molly enjoyed hanging out by the fire while drinking her Reed's Dairy chocolate milk :)

We went into Yellowstone one of the days to hit up Old Faithful and check out the new Grand Prismatic Spring overlook. It was nice because the summer crowds were long gone.

It was a cold day, which made it easy to spot hot pots and geysers from the steam. 

The hike to the Grand Prismatic Spring overlook was longer than I expected and it was definitely cold, but we had a great time. The view of the spring was so cool. I can't wait to go back again in the summer.

Molly and grandma in the Old Faithful gift shop

Luckily we didn't have to wait long for Old Faithful!

Warming up and exploring in the visitor's center

On our drive out of the park we stopped by one of the streams next to the road to feel how hot the water was. Even with the millions of times I have been to Yellowstone, I am still so intrigued by it all!

I am glad we were able to visit the park once more before it closed for the season a couple of weeks later. With our trip to Glacier this year, we didn't spend as much time in Yellowstone as we normally do. I will always have a special place in my heart for this area and I am glad my family loves it as much as I do! I am so grateful my parents have their cabin and that it brings our family together in a place we all love.

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