Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I am way behind on the blog because of all of the craziness of the holidays and 3 of our 6 family members' birthdays thrown in the mix! Oh, and trying to finish a basement on top of that. I'm happy to have a little bit more time to get caught up!

We had a great Thanksgiving in Idaho Falls. It was fun this year because all of my siblings had Thanksgiving at my parents' house. There were lots of cousins to play with, lots of yummy food to eat, and the weather was even mild. 

It's nice that we get to see both Sean and I's families at Thanksgiving. Whichever family we don't do dinner with, we do dessert with. It's nice having Sean's parents living in Idaho Falls again after having them in North Carolina for the past several years.

After Thanksgiving we got to attend our niece Brinley's baptism. She was baptized in the same font my siblings and I were baptized in (and my mom also!). It was cool to be back in that room and remember baptisms from my youth.

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